
Lawly Dolls

Me and katrina had THE most epic sleepover last night and this is what came from it.
Im amazed her mom did not wake up we were laughing SO hard!



Mr. Claw

This is the best gift ever.


Oh My Fucking Christmas Eve

So the other night I had the best idea to make a snowman an EPIC snowman scene with gore and one killing the other and have it say like merry F***ing Christmas.
Lawl, well this blog tells you how that worked out. I go to pick up my friends and it eventually turned to 8 people in my 4 person car. lawl accompanied by a Mexican in the trunk. I would love to write you a long story but here is my TLDR version.
So you can just WATCH what happened. ^-^

**Mature content*



Click the audio player for my tale of what happened after the car trip.

Crazy Bird Pen

And finally watch this play list for a short in sight to the making of Phil's beanie.

And here it is the finished product.

Stalker hat side


The Atelier

Some outtakes from the shoot with James an Katrina.

Studio Shoot with James and Katie

Working in the studio with James and Katrina was really fun.
James could not figure out how to catch a kiss and Katie played with a rubber duck. I thought it was pretty epic.

Katrina does really well in studio for some reason.
I think I will use her more often for commercial modeling. ^.^
James wants to make a million dollars with his face. I applaud him and will help that become reality lol.

This is just a messing around photo shoot.
Originally with an idea but I didn't ever really get it to work.

*sigh* some of my concepts are really hard to get to turn out right.
Or I'm just picky.

Here are some of the finished shots.
