So I was asked to write a journal entry for my Human relations class, of course I want an A, of course my teacher is strange, and of course I do the assignment. I was asked to write about my own personal strengths and weaknesses and then elaborate. blah blah death. anyway here is my assignment I thought might or might not be appropriate to post here.
HR Journal Entry
I am a strong person in many aspects of life. I am highly intelligent, as well as a talented individual.
I have very strong opinions and I often feel the need to express them be it for better or worse.
I’m a social butterfly in every aspect of the phrase, I am very motivated, and outgoing. I can walk into a room and instantly grab everyone’s attention. Although I suppose that I have many highly contradicting weaknesses as well, Most of my strength is immediately combated by a polar opposite. Making me a walking contradiction. I love change but I hate changing. I have high expectations for those around me, yet not as much of myself. I am outgoing and timid.
My personality is a thing to be marveled and just as easily revered. . I read those around me, mold my personality to their liking, and then drop the mask the second I walk out of the room. All the while immediately re inventing myself on what’s almost hourly basis, simply to keep the world around me constantly moving at my own pace. Confusing and spacious is how I like my world to be. Those around me in a constant whirlwind of confusion, while I remain completely centered. As if pushing the merry go round with everyone else on board.
In my own mind, I am restless, in my own mind I am at peace. I have a personal saying I recently created.
You see I created an online screen name ParenthesisX. It represents me in every aspect, and I can break this simple phrase up into hundreds of meanings that pertain to me. Though speaking to one of my colleague the other day I blurted out a mess of metaphors pertaining to me under that persona.
I am Parenthesis
I am (the beginning and the end)
I am the stepping-stone to a mathematical equation with no numbers.
I am the problem and the solution I am ParenthesisX.
I find it enjoyable to be able to easily point out my strengths as well as weakness on a whim.
Although most days I feel, I am colorblind solving a Rubix Cube.