what the fuck
So Im sitting on my balcony at my apt and we changed the porch light to a red light ya know just cuz we can.
Me and kelsey are sitting on the deck and talking and a random big simoan guy is like shouting up to us and is all drunk asking us if he can come up.
and im like uhhh, no?
And hes like why?
And im like uhhhh, im going to bed??
So Im in my room on the computer, and I hear "are you online?" in the front room.
and like saul wont invite anyone unless like I know or whatever so im like wtf?
whos that?
So I go out there and theres 3 huge ass simoan guys in my living room.
I was lik oh shit.
And they were all talking and looking at the place and goin on the balcony and smoking im like oh fuck.
So I sit up on the counter and im like talking to this one guy and their all drunk and they like called their friends and said they could drink up here with us and im like uuuuhhh no I have to go to work in the morning.
So this guy comes all close to me and is like you have really pretty eyes.
I was like shit im gunna get fuckuing raped in my own house.
and I was texting saul and hes like I seriously have no Idea who these guys are.
SO were all talking and sitting in my kitchen and me and saul were helluh scared, and he thought they were gunna mug him.
so another knock at the door, and we open it and theres 3 more guys.
holding a case of beer.
and im like uhhhh no.
a nd theyr like we drink here?
and im like uhh no.
please no.
So they all left and r like whats your guys names
and im like uhh dana????
It was just scary.
So they left and me and saul r freaking out.
cuz they were talking in another language and pointing at the tv and im like shit their gunna steal it lol, so we need to buy more locks aparently lol.
It was just wild.
oh my jesus.
Benny Benassi
Oh my god.
This was a beautiful rave no doubt but my whole experience was in the streets front of the saltair.
I arrive to benny benassi with Vip ticket in hand ready to go dance my heart out I arrive and there are cars backed up for miles and miles.
It was quite the sight to see, there were so many people.
Cars illegally parking on the cliffs of the freeway.
I could barely believe my eyes, the parking lot was totally full and they were making cars drive all the way to the marina and people take a shuttle bus back to the event.
It was just hectic.
I parked illegally on the side of the road near an electrical fence and some no trespassing signs, along with about 16 other people.
I walked to the event it was about a mile or so down the road. I met up with 2 eventful girls who were happy to keep me company of my walk.
So just walking to the event 5 ambulances drove past us flashing their lights at separate times.
"Someone overdosed already?"
Said the young lady to my right.
"yeah my friend texted me said theres already been 4 OD's"
We continue walking there were 3 cops patrolling the surrounding area, and 5 cops rushing to the scene at the event.
We get to the doors and I recieve my wristband, It was different that everyones, Blue with stars all around reading VIP.
I enter the double doors and inside there werent as many people as I would expect, I spoke with saul for a moment and then decided to go outside, Like I always do when I get to the saltair.
I was pleasently surprised to see they were holding the even outside and the whole place was packed.
So many people this sea of bikini tops and shinny clothing, colorful wristbands, beads and lights.
The lighting and the stage was brilliant so many screens and lights, it was a spectacle to the eye, look right and you see 3 huge screens the size of my house in a line all showing visuals.
V2 Really outdid themselves on this one.
There were even fireworks when benny came on, It was an awe.
So I go up to the pit in the front of the stage and begin to dance, I danced untill my hips were sore my head punded and everything was spinning.
A feeling I love, loosing yourself to the music.
A bubble machine went off and there were beautiful round prisms dispursed into the air with the lights reflecting through them.
I decide I was going to call this a night, I didint want to stay for to long tonight, I didint really wanna go in the first place.
But oh well.
So I left through the front doors and the man at the door asks for my wristband, and rips it off of me.
I continue on through the parkind lot and out to my car.
On my way out I see a boy, skinny tall boy wearing a studded belt and a scarf a nice vest, he looked more like he was here for an indie show than anything else.
"Leaving already?"
I raised my voice to him.
He turned around and stoped and waited for me to catch up with him.
"yeah, well....*sigh* Its a really long story."
"Well I have a while to walkt to my car and I am willing to listen."
He smiles and explains to me, he brought a girl here, paid for her ticket, bought her some roll, bought her a place to hang her coat, water, and bought her food, she ditches him early on in the night and has her brother come and tell him hes weird and she does not want to see him anymore.
So he wandered around for about 4 hours at the rave, didint get a chance to dance, felt like shit and decided to leave.
Sad thing was, this was his first rave.
I was amazed.
I consoled him and spoke with him at a cross roads for about an hour.
He lives in american fork.
those of you not familiar with utah.
Thats crazy far from the saltair, about an hour and a half drive.
I stood with him and two men came up to us handing us flyers, and stood and spoke with us, they are the producers for this new venue opening up and they are stoked for it.
The boy I met Kai well his names kyler but he said call him kai, he mentions a band to the boys and says they should get that band to go to the event.
and the men are all into what he was saying, and I offer my photography skills to them, saying Ill do coverage of anything they want for em.
The man says yeah we love photographers, and taked down my number, shakes my hand and continues on putting flyers on peoples cars.
Kai gets closer to me and we continue talking all of wich eventually ended up with me up aginst a van and o.O well you get the idea, lol.
I got his number and email and told him he should go to black and white.
Or at least wonderland.
His ride came, and we parted ways.
I continued walking to my car, so far its taken me like n hour to get even half way there, I see a girl walking behind me, and I turn around to her and say "leaving already?"
And she walks up to me and begins her story.
She explains to me.
She came with some friends, they ditched her, she has no phone, she borrowed peoples phones to try and call them, she feels sick, and wants to go back to the hotel shes staying at.
I nod and say well you got a car?
She replys no I was just going to walk to the hotel.
So I think to myself, there is nto a hotel in like 15 miles from here.
I say well what hotel, and she responds the comfort inn at the airport.
My eyes widen and I relax my shoulders and offer her a ride.
she looks at me puzled and is like you would do that?
and I said yeah, I dont mind, I cant let you walk that far.
So with a bit of convincing she comes with me to my car.
She was really hessitant, then again I would be to. Some stranger wants to take me to a hotel.
She gets in my car and I explain to her how far it would be for her to walk, and that I have no problem at all taking here there.
She thanks me and we pull out of the area I was parked.
I drive down the street a ways and stop at the stop sign right before you turn on 201.
were just stoped there talking and I see this black car go before me to take a left and right as they did another car came soaring down the road and hit the other, one spun and the other made a dead stop.
I was shaking all over my body, with tears in my eyes.
I had just witnessed the winshield broke and two women flew out the winshield and they were now laying on the concrete there was glass everywhere.
two girls in bikinis and shorts, the cars were totaled. there was no hope of surviving that.
The girl in my passenger seat had her hands over her mouth and was gasping and freaking out.
I was about to get out, but thought twice of it.
Luckily there was an ambulance right behind our car, it swirved around us and they pulled over and a paramedic got out of the car and ran over to the lady on the ground she was gone.
as well as the other one.
I slowly made my left turn and we continued to the hotel, we had a long conversation about cars and reckless driving and people on drugs.
the lady I picked up was only a tad drunk.
So I get to bangerter and turn onto I 80 and turn off on this exit and there so many hotels, and she leads me to the comfort inn, we get there and she has no room key the man says she has to wait for the other party to come back before he can let her into the room. so she had to stay there and wait, I felt kinda bad leaving her there alone but I had a splitting headache and had to go home.
heh, that was the origional reason I left the rave, go figure I didint get home till about 3 hours later.
I left her there and she offered me money I wold her she should keep it, I dont need it.
She placed it in my hand, and said its the least I can do.
I closed my palm and left, I drove home slightly dizzy and just sick from what Id seen.
I got home and my head hurt so bad, whitney came over and we wend to dees and I told her everything. Then she brought me back home and I passed out hardcore.
Well, that was my night. ^-^
Also heres the link to the story on fox what happened http://www.fox13now.com/news/kstu-sr-201-6-person-fatal-accident,0,7864550.story
This was a beautiful rave no doubt but my whole experience was in the streets front of the saltair.
I arrive to benny benassi with Vip ticket in hand ready to go dance my heart out I arrive and there are cars backed up for miles and miles.
It was quite the sight to see, there were so many people.
Cars illegally parking on the cliffs of the freeway.
I could barely believe my eyes, the parking lot was totally full and they were making cars drive all the way to the marina and people take a shuttle bus back to the event.
It was just hectic.
I parked illegally on the side of the road near an electrical fence and some no trespassing signs, along with about 16 other people.
I walked to the event it was about a mile or so down the road. I met up with 2 eventful girls who were happy to keep me company of my walk.
So just walking to the event 5 ambulances drove past us flashing their lights at separate times.
"Someone overdosed already?"
Said the young lady to my right.
"yeah my friend texted me said theres already been 4 OD's"
We continue walking there were 3 cops patrolling the surrounding area, and 5 cops rushing to the scene at the event.
We get to the doors and I recieve my wristband, It was different that everyones, Blue with stars all around reading VIP.
I enter the double doors and inside there werent as many people as I would expect, I spoke with saul for a moment and then decided to go outside, Like I always do when I get to the saltair.
I was pleasently surprised to see they were holding the even outside and the whole place was packed.
So many people this sea of bikini tops and shinny clothing, colorful wristbands, beads and lights.
The lighting and the stage was brilliant so many screens and lights, it was a spectacle to the eye, look right and you see 3 huge screens the size of my house in a line all showing visuals.
V2 Really outdid themselves on this one.
There were even fireworks when benny came on, It was an awe.
So I go up to the pit in the front of the stage and begin to dance, I danced untill my hips were sore my head punded and everything was spinning.
A feeling I love, loosing yourself to the music.
A bubble machine went off and there were beautiful round prisms dispursed into the air with the lights reflecting through them.
I decide I was going to call this a night, I didint want to stay for to long tonight, I didint really wanna go in the first place.
But oh well.
So I left through the front doors and the man at the door asks for my wristband, and rips it off of me.
I continue on through the parkind lot and out to my car.
On my way out I see a boy, skinny tall boy wearing a studded belt and a scarf a nice vest, he looked more like he was here for an indie show than anything else.
"Leaving already?"
I raised my voice to him.
He turned around and stoped and waited for me to catch up with him.
"yeah, well....*sigh* Its a really long story."
"Well I have a while to walkt to my car and I am willing to listen."
He smiles and explains to me, he brought a girl here, paid for her ticket, bought her some roll, bought her a place to hang her coat, water, and bought her food, she ditches him early on in the night and has her brother come and tell him hes weird and she does not want to see him anymore.
So he wandered around for about 4 hours at the rave, didint get a chance to dance, felt like shit and decided to leave.
Sad thing was, this was his first rave.
I was amazed.
I consoled him and spoke with him at a cross roads for about an hour.
He lives in american fork.
those of you not familiar with utah.
Thats crazy far from the saltair, about an hour and a half drive.
I stood with him and two men came up to us handing us flyers, and stood and spoke with us, they are the producers for this new venue opening up and they are stoked for it.
The boy I met Kai well his names kyler but he said call him kai, he mentions a band to the boys and says they should get that band to go to the event.
and the men are all into what he was saying, and I offer my photography skills to them, saying Ill do coverage of anything they want for em.
The man says yeah we love photographers, and taked down my number, shakes my hand and continues on putting flyers on peoples cars.
Kai gets closer to me and we continue talking all of wich eventually ended up with me up aginst a van and o.O well you get the idea, lol.
I got his number and email and told him he should go to black and white.
Or at least wonderland.
His ride came, and we parted ways.
I continued walking to my car, so far its taken me like n hour to get even half way there, I see a girl walking behind me, and I turn around to her and say "leaving already?"
And she walks up to me and begins her story.
She explains to me.
She came with some friends, they ditched her, she has no phone, she borrowed peoples phones to try and call them, she feels sick, and wants to go back to the hotel shes staying at.
I nod and say well you got a car?
She replys no I was just going to walk to the hotel.
So I think to myself, there is nto a hotel in like 15 miles from here.
I say well what hotel, and she responds the comfort inn at the airport.
My eyes widen and I relax my shoulders and offer her a ride.
she looks at me puzled and is like you would do that?
and I said yeah, I dont mind, I cant let you walk that far.
So with a bit of convincing she comes with me to my car.
She was really hessitant, then again I would be to. Some stranger wants to take me to a hotel.
She gets in my car and I explain to her how far it would be for her to walk, and that I have no problem at all taking here there.
She thanks me and we pull out of the area I was parked.
I drive down the street a ways and stop at the stop sign right before you turn on 201.
were just stoped there talking and I see this black car go before me to take a left and right as they did another car came soaring down the road and hit the other, one spun and the other made a dead stop.
I was shaking all over my body, with tears in my eyes.
I had just witnessed the winshield broke and two women flew out the winshield and they were now laying on the concrete there was glass everywhere.
two girls in bikinis and shorts, the cars were totaled. there was no hope of surviving that.
The girl in my passenger seat had her hands over her mouth and was gasping and freaking out.
I was about to get out, but thought twice of it.
Luckily there was an ambulance right behind our car, it swirved around us and they pulled over and a paramedic got out of the car and ran over to the lady on the ground she was gone.
as well as the other one.
I slowly made my left turn and we continued to the hotel, we had a long conversation about cars and reckless driving and people on drugs.
the lady I picked up was only a tad drunk.
So I get to bangerter and turn onto I 80 and turn off on this exit and there so many hotels, and she leads me to the comfort inn, we get there and she has no room key the man says she has to wait for the other party to come back before he can let her into the room. so she had to stay there and wait, I felt kinda bad leaving her there alone but I had a splitting headache and had to go home.
heh, that was the origional reason I left the rave, go figure I didint get home till about 3 hours later.
I left her there and she offered me money I wold her she should keep it, I dont need it.
She placed it in my hand, and said its the least I can do.
I closed my palm and left, I drove home slightly dizzy and just sick from what Id seen.
I got home and my head hurt so bad, whitney came over and we wend to dees and I told her everything. Then she brought me back home and I passed out hardcore.
Well, that was my night. ^-^
Also heres the link to the story on fox what happened http://www.fox13now.com/news/kstu-sr-201-6-person-fatal-accident,0,7864550.story
Pool Party In Idaho
At A really nice house we went and chilled in a pool. well, watched Whitney chill in a pool, with Marcus and Geoff and Kendall.
It was fun stuff.
We there's a weenier dog in a bucket and let it float around, wish I got a shot of that.
Well here are some epic shots of that adventure.

Woot lesbian power.
It was fun stuff.
We there's a weenier dog in a bucket and let it float around, wish I got a shot of that.
Well here are some epic shots of that adventure.
Woot lesbian power.
Kevin Fayles, Mayor Shoot
I did a photoshoot for the upcoming mayor of west valley.
It went really well, I'm a friend of his daughter Kelsey and she thought of me to do the photoshoot for her fathers campaign.
I'm really proud of the photos, you will probably see them around the net if you follow the election.
I also did shots of his family
Here are a few of my favorite shots
Hes supposed to be super mayor

Love this one.

learn more about this man below
It went really well, I'm a friend of his daughter Kelsey and she thought of me to do the photoshoot for her fathers campaign.
I'm really proud of the photos, you will probably see them around the net if you follow the election.
I also did shots of his family
Here are a few of my favorite shots
Hes supposed to be super mayor
Love this one.
learn more about this man below
Marcus Hair Cut
So I wake up one morning and im like I haz a piffany~!
and marcus is like what?
and I throw him in the car and take him to a salon.
Hes like uhhh dana?
What are we doing here???
and im like.....
we cut hair lulz.
hes like whose hair?
and im like
and I snip a piece of his hair in the back and a large piece falls to the floor.
*big grin*
Now your committed. O_O
His face was priceless, when he sat in the chair.
scared shitless he was.
I hand the lady a piece of paper with a hair style idea and she nods and is like how short, hes like whaaaaA?!?!!
no wait dana~
I say lul this short.
and she cuts away.
here is before pic.

Here is after.

Much better ne??
I like it.
So I did a photoshoot, here are a few shots.

Justice was served.
and marcus is like what?
and I throw him in the car and take him to a salon.
Hes like uhhh dana?
What are we doing here???
and im like.....
we cut hair lulz.
hes like whose hair?
and im like
and I snip a piece of his hair in the back and a large piece falls to the floor.
*big grin*
Now your committed. O_O
His face was priceless, when he sat in the chair.
scared shitless he was.
I hand the lady a piece of paper with a hair style idea and she nods and is like how short, hes like whaaaaA?!?!!
no wait dana~
I say lul this short.
and she cuts away.
here is before pic.
Here is after.
Much better ne??
I like it.
So I did a photoshoot, here are a few shots.
Justice was served.
Transformers LawL
lawl transformers.
So I forgot to mention megan fox does everything in slow motion.
I mean everything. and she has to like hold someones hand to run, everytime she runs shes holding a hand, like shes unable to do so on her own.
altho in imax you will quickly find out megan fox is not perfect.
Its really world shattering so I hear.
you can see she has pores.
Infected Mushroom
Went to the infected Rave.
I loved it.
Sat around with Saul and tony and Devi and Hannah and marcus and did hookah.
I got separated for a while and sat around with some old friends and we just kicked it watching these girls do some amazing poi.
I went up to the front and watched the gogo dancers outside and danced with a group of girls who were crazy hot.
Talked to this kid Adam for a while about druggies, lol that conversation happens at every rave.
I really didint know where marcus went like the whole time.
Oh and that girl hannah that tony randomly found.
Helluh made out with her....like alot.
She was crazy cute.
To bad she lives ghetto far in clearfield.
Damn that.
Did a lot of dancing. I love dancing at raves, everybody is so happy.
So I searched for this guy Brennon like all night. He kept moving around.
I met him once before at Paul Van Dyk.
We danced together and I got his number.
So we planned to meet up at Infected.
So I go to the front of the stage in the pit and dance and then I feel some hands on my hips while im bustin it like shakira (not really lawl)
And I turn around and hes like hey. and im like oh really?
We talk in the pit for a minute while dancing together, then we head up by the fence and chill by the lights and he lights up a smoke for me and him, we continue with the chilling and talking, I meet some of his friends, and were all just waiting for infected mushroom to come on.
Finally its the time we waited all freaking night for.
Go up to like center front of the stage and there they are, playing cities of the future, and me and brennon dancing together.
Oh my gawd, it was probably the hottest dance Ive ever had with someone.
You know that song fucking on the dancefloor.
yeah, something like that.
there was some ahem and uh huh.
But yeah Great time, then I told him I had to go find my friends, and hes like call me sometime I need to see you again.
So I go find tony and hannah and shes hella bored and im like how can you be bored?
and shes like idk.
Im like well no tonys boring here come with me.
So I take her out to the dancefloor and teach her how to dance.
It was hella fun dancing with her~!
*glomps her*
I luff her so big.
yeah, then i set out on a search for saul since I had not seen him since the hookah no clue, finally it all ended and we met back up at my car.
Shit son though that rave was helluh fun.
Cant wait for Benny and Black and white.
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