my dad asking me if I wanted to go see Avatar with them for daddys
birthday. I agree and get up from phi's and leave his place at
around 10, so hurray only like 2 hours of sleep...heh if that.
So I get to my parents house and they are already in their car ready
to go, btw I looked like hell.
I looked like as if hell took a shit on my face and by that I mean
beat in the face by hell, and by that i mean FML.
So we get to the theater and were early, helluh early, so we go
inside and wait for like 20 minuts for anything to even be ready
with some other guy who was doing the same.
we conversated with him a while and finally got our tickets, hm we
saw it in 3D!!
So pretty much I had barely slept that night.
So we get into the theater and when the previews started, My ass was
out like a light.
I missed whatever happened up untill the cripple meets the cat
otherwise no idea how that movie started.
It was awesome for what I saw, A good thrill ride indeed.
Daddy really liked it and so did mom.
Shes so cute when she gets excited about movies and video games
So afterwards we went out to eat, well by that I mean to this
So in utah theres this place called kiwi bakery and I used to go as
a little girl but they closed down for many years and just recently
decided to re open.
So I was stoked to go.
We got there and I got a cream puff thing and daddy ordered the
baked fish and chips for the family.
I love that stuff, its like if sex was a fish.
and not a lesbian.
Its pretty much great.
heres us in the bakery.
So after that we went home and ate afterward I went over to Chris's
and we dinked around on the computer for a while and talked with Robyn and junk.
We found magnets on the fridge and was like oooh fun stuff and I
knelled and was playing with a drawing board and stood up and hit my
head on Chris's elbow and BAM instant headache.
As I always have when hit in the head.
Its an annoying problem I know.
I walked over to Chris's room and passed out for a few hours to rid
the headache.
I woke up that night and saw chris online doing whatever.
and said we should go out and do something, lets go fake it.
So we jumped in my car and off we went to wherever we were going.
we then drove passed this cemetery having some luminary festival and
it looked way exciting.
So we pulled over and took some photos.
We tested the light and then decided we needed a model.
so we called katrina, no answer.
called lydia.
no answer.
So we said well shit..... and I was like uhh lets go out on a limb
and call angel.
Whom I had already made peace with we texted eachother often while I
was in boise so I was not too worried about asking her to come out,
just a matter of was she willing to.
So we call her and shes like yeah sure I just need to shower and ill
come out.
So we dinked around more and while waiting we called kah-C and
I love those two so much~!
I picked up chino and told kah-c to meet me at the hunter library
and we got her from there, we then went back to the cemetery and
took a few shots while waiting for angel.
Finally angel calls back and we go pick her up as well.
I tell her to put on a prom dress, and we then go get kah-c's prom
dress and It looked amazing.
I loved kah-c's dress It was so pretty~! she looks so good.
So we went back to the cemetery and took more photos.
One shot of which we took a bag and Chris lit it on fire and the shot
was brilliant untill Kah-C's dress caught fire lololol~!
I fell to the snow and laughed so hard, while chino and chris were
putting it out I was just rolling.
heres the shot totally worth the fire.
So then we got bored of the cemetery.
and by that I mean scared someone called the cops haha.
So we went to the mortuary and took more photos near a big beautiful tree.
She was very hetero in one
and highly lez in the other hahaha...poor chino
I think i rofl'ed at least 2 more times there as well.
We drove over to game star and took some shots of chino hes so cute.
Destination downtown magna now, I love taking photos there. I just adore that place in general.
So we found a circle of trees lit by a bunch of Christmas lights, they were so pretty we took a whole mess of shots there, in which I kept making the girls take off their jackets and they hated me for it cuz it was cold.
Chris made a great coat rack.
It was beautiful, it looked way more incredible in person, I need to practice low light photography.
So we made it to the magna downtown strip and took a shot of the fence, It was so intense!!
these little icicles were forming all over everything, It was absolutely beautiful.
wish I had a macro lens then ugh Id kill for a macro lens.
So we got back in the car and everyone was like bitch go to dees.
So we went to dees.
We get there anhd got a big booth and in the corner there was this ugly ass boy in the corner wearing a naruto headband and ya know i have seen this kid go into dees every time i have gone so far lately, maybe they are the new regulars.
their ugly
dees deserves hotter regulars!!
hah anyway.
so i called him a narutard. and angels all loud is like "WHATS A NARUTARD?!"
and im like shhh shut your whore mouth!
she was so upset she didint know what it was.
all the while the whole table kept staring at us and giving evil dirty looks.
So chino buys cheese fries, chris gets a drink, kah-c gets cheese fries to share with me and angel get a huge ass fucking brownie.
with like a tub of fudge.
I was like your sooooo obese~!
it was way funny to watch im like shit girl the fat kid just got a soda! whats wrong with you?
so we sat and made fun of eachother a while and talked about god knows what, I just know at some point in time kah-c was like "stfu dana we all know you have been ridin like a bus route."
and we laughed so hard, she later confessed it was from a song.
minus 15 points.
she coulda just went with it.
we drove everyone back and it was a pretty good night.
Me and chris got back to his house after droping off chino and kah-c and angel.
me and chris were sooo tired, we layed on his bed and I attempted to play gaia, for god knows why, and I decided to get on the jigsaw puzzle, and I was so tired, I could not play it for the life of me. I played it like a blind kid in a relay race.
then passed out like the blind kid did from exaustion due to playing a relay race with a boulder.
pretty much .
that was my day/ night.