

me n my octo

I have such a lack of inspiration these days.
Only things on my mind are getting from point A to point B.
Its a simple mess of wake and learn.
Not a whole lot of creative opportunities in a foundation of business class.
I want to do something. I want to make something, I want to feel like I am of worth again.
Next semester I am taking an intermediate photography class.
There's so much I want to do....so little time in life. It seems like each day I spend without making something Is spent at a loss....

Necessity is the mother of invention, it is true, but its father is creativity, and knowledge is the midwife


Journal entry for school lawl

So I was asked to write a journal entry for my Human relations class, of course I want an A, of course my teacher is strange, and of course I do the assignment. I was asked to write about my own personal strengths and weaknesses and then elaborate. blah blah death. anyway here is my assignment I thought might or might not be appropriate to post here.

HR Journal Entry
I am a strong person in many aspects of life. I am highly intelligent, as well as a talented individual.
I have very strong opinions and I often feel the need to express them be it for better or worse.
I’m a social butterfly in every aspect of the phrase, I am very motivated, and outgoing. I can walk into a room and instantly grab everyone’s attention. Although I suppose that I have many highly contradicting weaknesses as well, Most of my strength is immediately combated by a polar opposite. Making me a walking contradiction. I love change but I hate changing. I have high expectations for those around me, yet not as much of myself. I am outgoing and timid.

My personality is a thing to be marveled and just as easily revered. . I read those around me, mold my personality to their liking, and then drop the mask the second I walk out of the room. All the while immediately re inventing myself on what’s almost hourly basis, simply to keep the world around me constantly moving at my own pace. Confusing and spacious is how I like my world to be. Those around me in a constant whirlwind of confusion, while I remain completely centered. As if pushing the merry go round with everyone else on board.
In my own mind, I am restless, in my own mind I am at peace. I have a personal saying I recently created.
You see I created an online screen name ParenthesisX. It represents me in every aspect, and I can break this simple phrase up into hundreds of meanings that pertain to me. Though speaking to one of my colleague the other day I blurted out a mess of metaphors pertaining to me under that persona.

I am Parenthesis
I am (the beginning and the end)
I am the stepping-stone to a mathematical equation with no numbers.
I am the problem and the solution I am ParenthesisX.

I find it enjoyable to be able to easily point out my strengths as well as weakness on a whim.
Although most days I feel, I am colorblind solving a Rubix Cube.


Thinking of things I like

Stuff I find beautiful/inspirational and or relevant to myself and things I like.

Ram skulls
puzzle pieces
city scape
telephone poles
salt shakers
small chests
bottle caps
tall socks
collar bones
Arabic language
old trees
empty places
couches with obnoxious print


Operation Make Johanathan's Day Awesome

Target Acquired:

Sending Reinforcements:

(Here Is the Video of my day for those who are TLDR)

Last night I fell asleep talking to Johnathan because He was upset and I told him we would play the next morning and I would make him happy. So both him and I woke up late, myself with a back ache and him with messed up hands from punching concrete all night.

We eventually met up at Apollo Burger and we headed to Blue Boutique and looked at sexual novelties, out of everything we looked at john ended up getting a zippo lighter, a really awesome Jack Daniels lighter might I add.

Eventually after loosing interest in looking at cock rings and obscene cake designs we left our friendly neighborhood novelty store, to divide ways and john and I went on to Little America hotel to check johns schedule, and marcus went to go keep up with his previously scheduled appointment to watch Avatar with my mom.

John and I did indeed visit his work, and then hunger stuck and a large serving of Sushi was in order. We went to simply sushi and spent too much money and learned more about each other than necessary. Afterward we went to Sam Wells book store, and a mini mart, picked up drinks and sat out front of shogun and talked, and by talked I mean held each other tight screaming crying and making a scene, because it sounded like it was a requirement at the time.

"I'm going off to war to serve my people!"
"Why would you leave me like this!?! You should have just kept your job at best buy!"
"Screw Best Buy, War is here, and its calling my name!"
"Oh no john you can't go, what ever shall I do?!"

And so on. We then walked the streets in the general direction of coffee break because I had arranged to meet up with Tony and Marcus there, but of course we got side tracked, John threw up, We laid in a parking lot, we were Madonna for 15 seconds.
Eventually we made it to our destination to meet up with Tony Marcus, and an old friend named Devi.

We sat around joked and went out back and played with flo toys and glow gloves. John and I realized it was drawing close to time to go so marcus myself and john rushed to catch the last bus, and headed home.

Marcus and myself stumbled over to Village Inn and I drew a stripper whore thing, with highly confused looking hair, and we hung out with aldo for about an hour when he got off work.

Now I am home and bed sounds like bliss. I have to work in 5 hours. Go me.

Oh and here is my racist song~!


( X Tattoo

On my last day in Seattle with Zio, we wanted to hang with Graz so we went with Graz to the tattoo shop and agreed to wait while he got his robot filled in.

We picked him up at his work. He works for Starbucks, but he works at like central Starbucks lol as a call rep.
he works here.

I called ahead and set up an appointment for the same time, to get my neck piece done.

I made the appointment with John, he had some awesome dreads ~

It was a really awesome place, the whole upstairs of a loft was all this tattoo parlors.


Placing it in the right spot, we moved it about three times.


I sat in with graz getting his tattoo shaded as well.


Zio got his ears pierced as well.

After that we went to this place called the metro and not gunna lie, I would wear that fkn store, absolutely everything in there I loved. Ugh~
So I bought this shirt.


Distracting, I know.

Well, then we went to Graz's other work and I bought a coheed shirt, and then we met up with Jamie and we all went out to eat at Jup Jup Jup, It was uber awesome thai food.

Good day it was.

Hospitals and Porn

As for porn we saw the intern and that was really gay, literally, and some other one that was really lesbian and really bad until the red head came in.

Then we all got interested and I put it in slow mo making it better, and then we heard the car door of my parents vehicle slam and we all shot out of our seat screaming and running, My mom walked in and saw me running and I then fel to the floor and laughed hysterically, along with everyone else in the room.

I then offered my mom some tuna salad, because I was eating it while watching lesbian porn, and she had no idea, turned down my offer and we all laughed more, I am pretty sure I am missing a lung now.

Whew What a day.


this morning on my zio trip

Went to the beach this morning, at 3am zio looks over at me and is like, "wanna go to the beach?" and im in a daze and say okay. he says right now? ...okay. So off we went on one of the most bullshitretardedawesome things I have done in a while, I got to drive his car through really windy roads in the Forrest out to the ocean, and a sea town and then to a cafe that didn't serve chowder and Zio is still offended. lol. Then went shopping in Portland after the drive that almost killed us and took almost 5 hours, Zio bought me a ring I heavily protested and I bought a really fkn awesome bag~! awesome morning.


Lesbian Brawl

So the other night I went to Club Pure with Rob, Holly, britney and some other bitches right?
And you know it was a good night at the club.
All well and dandy, untill while we were dancing some chick comes up and kisses britneys girlfriend. And I look over like aawww shit.
So brit and her gf get in a whole fight, and robby's like hunny if your gunna cheat on someone do it when their not standing right there.Lol!
So were all in the bathroom later on and the chick who kissed brits gf walks in, and Brit walks over to her and is like hey. and then punches her in the face~!
Were like oh shit!
We all split and brit eventually meets up with us out in the courtyard and were all smoking and talking with this kid whos too gay to function, and is showing off like a mutha fuck.
So, the night carries on me and rob and holly go dance, holly of course who cant dance, lol It made me giggle how we had to dance around her.

So holly sees her ex gf sometime in the night and gets all emo, all the while im ignoring the bunch and talking to some black chick who wont stfu about my hair.

Me robby and holly are like lets go to the car to get a drink and then come back, so on our way to the car this random chick points me out and is like "Hey I think I know you~!"

and Im like oh really?
and shes like yeah I have you on my myspace your that para chick. The photographer!
and im like yeah that would be me, so she goes on "I love your work."
Im like thanks and like trying to keep walking "okay well im gunna go now, maybe I'll see you inside."
I respond to her.
We get to the car have a shot of our sailor jerry's
and make our way back to the club.

We go back to the smokers pit and some really tall girl with elaborate makeup approaches me and begins on
"Are you a photographer?"

I turn to her, Yes mam I am.

Shes like "HEY I know you!"

Im like this is possible.

All the while I have no freaking clue who these people are. O.o

So she tells me shes in school for cosmetics and she wants to collaborate with me and im like uh yeah sure.
I was not really the most sober as I should have been when agreeing to that.
ah well.

So I talk to her for a while and eventually trail off to meet back up with robyn and holly and brits gf is talking to this really pretty guy and hes falling all over himself.

And I waltz into the conversation.
"yeha sure me too."
Like I usually start convo's with people.
attempting to vaugely agree.

So he turns to me and stops dead in his tracks and is like "You are uh wow. love the hair love the outfit love everything you are just so pretty wow."

and im like thank you.

Robby walks up.

"and oh wow is this your gf?"

Robby- " yes yes I am."

me- Uhhh.
He looks to robyn and touches her extentions.
"you are wow just as amazing, long hair wow, you two make a beautiful couple."

Robyns like I know.

I died. XD

So robyn turns to me and is like I want a coffee.
and im like oh yeah me too, lets leave early and go get coffee.

So we all get ready to go find holly brit and her gf. whew, all of them who were arguing about something, robyn and I ignoring it.

So we head out to our car.
and me and rpbyn make it get inside and look back and notice the rest of us are missing.

WE pull out and drive down the street a little and park noticing our friends have not multiplied and we have no idea whats going on.

So we get out and here we see holly's ex gf, 3 of her friends, an asian named Jade and her friend.
and im like uhh.
and brit and her gf are all up in this chicks grill.

and holly is arguing with them all and im like oh shit, and bobbys like oh damn.

and we caught it on VIDEO!!

(video will be up shortly)

yeah well pretty much all that happened, and it was fkn hilarious !

I have not laughed so hard in forever, I just wanted some coffee.

So by the time all that ended coffee was closed.

so we had to leave, god damn.

So we FINALLY get all the girls in the car, after holly whining she lost her gauges and brit screaming she broke her ankle.

I just had to laugh cuz they were over it done, and hugging in fact after just fighting and the nthe random mexican bitch who nobody knew had to come out of no where and swing a punch and BLAM there ya go a 16 girl lesbian fight.

now lesbians they fight differrent than any other race (lol)

They fight till someone is unconcious, bleeding, or they get pulled appart by a friend.

pretty much none of that happened enough this night so it went on for a while.
untill everyone felt that was enough and hugging was appropriate.

No really i have no idea who the mexi chick was and just came in swingin.

all the while trying to get all these bitches to get in the damn car, it also does not help almost all of them were intoxicated.

especially the camera man.

so we finally get in the car and drive away, and im like fuck that. and down the last of the sailor jerrys, and i feel it in no time flat.

from that point on I remember picking up marcus who had to sit on me cuz there was no room, getting on a free way listening to everyone scream about how crazy that shit was, and then magically there was a time warp and I was at a mc donalds holding a snack wrap and like choking on it.

it was amazing.

then I was home, and then I was out.

Good night it was.


Under watch by west jordan police dept.

My ass.

So I went to this awesome park, the one Lydia busted her ankle at cuz shes retarded.
Yeah that one, so we went there, although we didn't have to rush anyone to the emergency room this time, wewt.

Myself, Alice, Marcus and Felisha, all hung out in a castle for about and hour taking photos.
Felisha asked me how to do some band photography because she was asked to do a band photo, So I'm going to start teaching Felisha how to do photography.
We worked on model positioning, I had Felisha pose Alice while I took photos of it all happening lol ^^
Alice would immediately pose, and Felisha like "I cant work with this."

So We hung out at the pavilion and Alice turned on her iphone and made awesome music in which we watched her dance to, it was rather amusing actually.

Then I'm not sure how we got on the subject but we started singing the lion king, and hakuna matata.
I made up my own words and they were brilliant and now I have to do a cover and youtube video.

" I Hakunad your mama, it means no worries for the rest of her days, its no problem see, shes 83~ Hakunna mattata~~"

Good times.
I so need to get a camera, once I do it will be easy sailing and I can start working on cinematography ugh I would kill to be good at that as well <3

Then Alice got on the table and i scream out "POSE!"
and she immediately strikes a pose, and I'm like "change"
and she makes a whole new one, we were like this is photo lingo dammit!

Marcus was very against having his picture taken today but I snapped a few just for giggles.

I'm Not Sleeping

So last night marcus and I could not sleep so after Alice passed out me and marcus got a coat and went walking, we headed out to 35th and had no idea where to go, so were like oh helluh lets go to Chris's house, haha yeah not as good as an idea as I had figured on.
So we walked down to about Whittier elementary, and this creepy guy started following us and I got freaked out so I had marcus sit down with me and chat for a while, he had me tell him the whole Morgan story and we sat there for a good 15 minutes in front of the barber shop, we eventually continued on and made it to about Aldo's house where we sat again to break a while, it being about 4am now.
We laid down and some U.T.A dude was going to work and he walked past us, and I coughed and it freaked him out. lol.
We sat there for a while talking and then continued on. then a cop car pulled up.
So we got pulled over for supposedly sleeping on the side of the road, and well i spose that's illegal.
They took down our information and patted me and marcus down.
So we sat on the side of the road waiting for the cops to be done and I flushed out my shoes of rocks, and about 10 minutes later they got done and let us on your way.
So we walk some more and we finally make it to Chris's house who was not answering his phone.
I was pretty offended.
So we tapped on his window and knocked on his window, and called and called, yeah no answer.
so we sat up aginst his house ans I passed out on marcus, and then marcus woke me up and said lets just take the bus home.
So we tried chris's window one last time we looked in using a chair and pfft that fat ass was not even there.
I was helluh pissed.
So we rode the bus home and let me tell you the second i laid down I was out like a light.


Heels and Greens

So I woke up today by Alice walking into my room being like wake up sweetie. lol
That was exciting.
I got up and she had gone and I asked marcus where she went and she left to hang with some Jew kid.
I'm not even kidding this kid looks so Jew haha.
hes awesome though.

So tony comes over and steals Marcus away and I watch monster house, and then alice comes back and we all sit around and play Yoshi's island.
phew im a sucker for old games.

She leaves again and tony and Marcus come back from their "Bro-mance date"
and they went off to watch the office.

Come back and we all pile into the car and go to greenhouse.
Get there I'm in these bitchin heels and it was crazy hard to walk but they are very exciting heels.
you can see them here


That was a really fun photo shoot btw, I think I'm going to remake it though.

So we get there I walk in and Tony's like i think the ugly bitch with the red hair down there is angel.
and I'm like yeah probably.
So we go sit down and play cards and Alice texts me saying shes on her way there.
We play for about 6 minutes before I get tired of playing with tony.
See he has this thing where he kills games within the first about 10 minutes of playing, either by arrogance or stupidity.

So I go sit outside and Alice is there and we have a smoke and she talks.
I ask her to go to the 5th annual hair show by Taylor Andrews with me
but she declines since she goes to the rival hair school.
Ah well.
So her and I and tony and Marcus walk over to 7/11 and get smokes.
Go back and sit at the table, tony and Marcus go inside, and Alice and I sit outside and speak about a couple problems she had been having, while I drew all over the table.

We all re-group and play this trippy poker game some Indian game and we all loose to Alice like a lot lol.
Then we all left and went back to my house.

Get to my house and had no idea what to do for ever.
So Alice decides to sleep over and I left around 10 to hang out with Aldo.
So I'm texting Alice for Aldo saying he wants to plow her and shes like.
"I don't feel like sex anymore."
and Aldo's like "you don't have to just lat there and read a magazine or something."

I died.
It was helluh funny because Alice had no idea it was a joke so she got all offended.
hah good times.
I had pie and talked magic and wonders with Aldo and we hung out until about 1am.
I messed with his status and got lost in his phone.
I love Aldo he makes my heart smile lol.

Well now I'm here at home watching Tom and Jerry, oh i lied now I'm watching the boondocks.

"not even death can stop a nigger moment."


anyway peace out.

random misc review

okay here is some things I have done recently in the time I have not blogged, if you want me to expand on any of these topics just comment me or tell me and Ill write a full blog on any of them.


okay here goes.


Moved to idaho
met a bunch of icelandics.
made a prank phone call.
Went to a huka bar.
tomodatchi drunk frenzy
Adam sleepover drunk party with him throwing condoms at me telling me to break in his bed.
curses with kirsty,robyn,chris,marcus.
lesbian fight out back of a club X 2
Dear alice photo shoot
Nick Corbins birthday party from hell/ movie magic making lawl
vegas trip with angel/stealing money from whitney just because angel felt like it lawl.
3.am isak overdose story from hell/ robyn to the rescue
foreign film fiasco.
the burning and destruction to the old friend bridge/ why you are or are not considered a friend.
Persona 4 times
what i learned from the internet lately, Nails, games, and boobs?
computer bitching meltdown.
oh hell nawh who walks away from that orion?
16 reasons to smack chris.
Culinary School
views on fb
adventure time photoshoot



Went to game star for the past three nights in a row, tony has been feeling oddly generous. haha
So hes been paying for me and marcus and chris to go.
we did a huge lan the other night and it was amazing, although mildly offensive being killed by a 10 year old. As usual Tony wins but thats one of those traits you get by not having a life for 18 years.
haha. So I have been doing some photo shoots lately and I am getting a website by the end of the month. my lack of blogging is inexcusable hopefully I will put at least a little more effort in to blogging.

So here I am watching robot chicken with Tony, chris, and marcus my god this show confuses and tantalizes.

speaking of, I have been watching a lot of foreign films lately.

So I saw this movie called Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress.
I recommend.
a cute tale of two men falling for the same girl and in their own way showing their affection, reading foreign novels to her its a cute tale if your not my friend robyn. (shes afraid of asians lol)

I saw a french film called Eldorado......yeeah, Im pretty sure I missed something in this film.
It starts off with a robber and this guy throwing a tail pipe at the robber and then droping the robber off at an intersection and giving him money for a bus. not gunna lie If a guy tried to rob me I would not drop him off at a bus stop and give him some cash.
so guys goes to work and comes home and the kid is still at the bus stop, so he tells him to get in and they make this huge trip to the French border, that was apparently really far away...
they break down, a creepy guy saves them and gets them drunk, they tape their hair to the ceiling of their car so when they fall asleep it pulls their hair and they wake up, brilliant if you ask me.
Anyway it fails they drive off a cliff, chill in a trailer, meet a nudist, save the car, go to the robbers moms house, do yard work, leave, go to a store, steal a soda leave, go to a rest stop under a bridge, then randomly a Doberman gets thrown off a bridge on to the car they were driving.....they take the dog to a city, main character gives money to the robber, robber leaves to get smack to shoot up the dog to kill it, robber does not come back, guy drives away, dog dies, man buries dog....smokes.....end of movie...

...Either I missed something or it was actually that bad..

Watched a movie called the contact, that was a Korean film. possibly one of the most irritating film. about two people meeting online and then seeing each other everywhere and not actually knowing eachother, the ending was a long story just know I was offended lol.

I saw a film called Fat Girl.

SO i go to the library and pick up this film thinking oh okay this could be okay......haha no.
its a film about this little girl who is like 14 watch her 15 year old sister get it on with a college student.....and thats about it.
now that could have been okay if it didint have this m night shamalan twist ending.

just know I have a whole rant for this movie, that i might vlog, but for now rent it and shit yourself.

thats all I have to say for now ja-ne.


Holy Tambarine Its Capt. America!

So Ef Em Ehl Oh El.

I WAS gunna upload my movie movie, but alas now I shall just make a vlog.
Heres a vlog about nothing important. =^^=


lulz randy


I love you.



y so


It was something unexpected to say~ I wanted to see your reaction, Though I care very much about you, It's not really love, but logic dictates that your personality in general would be why you're a desirable person~


oh really?


You're fun, unpredictable, spontaneous, VERY intelligent and talented in most art forms,

At least what I've seen what you're good at it if you try~


tis fairly true.




and what brought on this spontaneous thought process?


I'm not certain.

I think it's just that,


It might also be that I miss you very much, Everyone whom is relevant is moving away.


yeah all the smart people are getting out now lol





Why yes thank you.

Ask me anything


What is your dream house?

One with a roller coaster in the basement, no wait, a theme park in the basement! Oh hell yes~! but viewed as an old Victorian home on the outside, with a tennis court on the roof and a huge master bathroom with a jetted tub, and the entry way must have small streams and bridges crossing the water, and I want an old school elevator, 4 stories and a 15 acre basement but the house needs to be not so large.
complete with a lounge and a studio. Do want. Actually its really funny, I drew this house and all the floor plans etc when I was 7 and I still remember it all. I wonder where those drawings went.

Ask me anything


alright!~ Finally set up my online portfolio well, my deviantart one lol, I still need to make a site, Jesus I need to get off my arsenal and hire someone or learn how to make a website for my work. :( that would be a huge help lol and I need to fix my irl portfolio lol so much to do. so unfair anyway go check out my new DA portfolio

ParenthesisX Photography

Sonja Photoshoot

woke up late and finally got around to getting back to the celusta house around 3:30 or so.
I called sonja and we decided she would pick me up at the house.
So around 4 or so she arrived and we jumped into her Kia and away we went we were going to go to some park area of sorts but never made it there since it was already late and the light was leaving us.
So we went downtown and ended up at shige the sushi bar and steakhouse.
I was stoked when she offered to buy us a roll.
we ordered 2 avocado and eel rolls.
i loved it very much so and we sat in the new addition to the restaurant it was incredibly pretty in there.
We happily ate our rolls speaking of art and culture and our views on mainstream media.
We seem to have quite the same thoughts on an array of things.
It was a nice conversation.
After sushi I busted out the camera and we began shooting around the restaurant, there was such a beautiful red couch and floral things around.
we shot until dark, apparently she just got a job at the pie hole, and thats pretty nifty.
We found a really awesome clothing store that I would love to purchase clothing from sometime.
randomly on the street I saw the most beautiful blond, and I pointed her out and asked her if I may take a photo, she agreed and we exchanged numbers I would love to work with her in the future, her name is haylee.

she was just ugh just really pretty so i snapped a shot of her and Sonja and we went on our way, we eventually got cold and went back to the car, but we decided we might go get our nails done after work tomorrow and get a free makeover.
So Sonja drives me home and I express to her about photos and my lack of ideas lately, I tell her about the whole tarot card shoot and paranoia shoot.
and about how I want to create techno opera.
good times.

So She drops me off and I come home to a camera on a tripod in the living room pointed at the tv, Odinn playing fallout Orion on the computer, nick at the table, Einar at the table and everyone getting ready to do uhh something that has to do with the movie their doing called illuminated. its a film they are all creating, long story.

We have pizza and I sit at my computer, mess with FL studio, about 2 hours later most people leave and now here I am blogging with Odinn,Orion,Einar and nick crowded around Odinn playing fallout.
Fun times.

shige patio