and i was all sorts of gay excited.
It was katy perry tickets!
Im like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
And stuff.
So we go and that specific day I decided to wear big hair.
and I mean like helluh big.
I loved it.
Katy was just as great sounding on stage as she is on radio.
If not better.
I was super excited like the whole time.
so we go to the venue and were standing in line and these people behind us were like so offended with my hair.
I luled alot.
We froze our damn asses off out there!
finally got in and some gay guy was all
"i love your hair, you look cute, im so fkn drunk."
So we get in
and were like front row to the stage, well were standing.
but like were so close we could grab katy and pull her down.
it awesome.
She was funny.
and had quite the fashion statment.
as usual.
**edit l8er*
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