
so this one time Lydia got a fortune cookie, and it read
"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation."

and I was like "Your not a man or a nation."

I randomly remembered that and it was funny.

Book idea?

so high possibility I am making a book for sale one using the labeled series for an inspirational art piece about youth and pressure.

I will also be making a spectacular alice in wonderland compilation.

And as well a special secret project I will be having an open casting call that will be posted for at a later date.


Panku vs ParaEX


I woke up today at phils and cory invited me to have breakfast, and it was pancakes~!


Oh also, I cut phils hair, because I can and he looks heeelllaaa goood~!


and I had an epic battle with a spider, I won btw.

Then we played guitar hero and I sang a piss ton of songs, was also exciting, cory went for a smoke break and I noticed the time and saw that I was late for katies anime club and was like shit shit must go now kay bai~!
So I called katie while driving down baccus and shes like I gotta take james home k bai.

So I waited for her at her house and eventually she got there and we went to the DI, to look for cosplay crap, that didint happen but I got a shower curtain!

I wanna hang it in my room~!

You have no idea its so freaking cool~!

We also looked through a metric ton of patterns and found some that resembel a few of our costumes, and a few that just looked exciting and purchased them.

We then got hungry and went to subway~!

We took our subway to a park and hung out at the magical park of woo and junk, and saw a girl who HELLA dressed like a colorblind homeless person.

I did not even understand her outfit, at all.

orange hoodie, pink top, green pants, blue sox.
It was horrible.

The subway was goooood.

Then we went and hung out at my magical chill spot that I love.

Katie and me, well we had a great day of lawl and what.

Heres some photos~!

All curteosy of my cellular.







Female Fail

So katrina and I are failures at being women.
But at least be bitches be bangin~!

Cellular Job Loss

I am upset~!

Oh my jesus jesus~!!
Freaking job calls my house phone and is all we want dana, and my moms all dana not here klol. Call cellular.

Now as we all know!!!! I DONT ANSWER MY CELLULAR!!
I dont know, I just don't.

So freaking I haz a missed call from job saying bla bla we want you for the job.

But nyoooooooo, the called my ceeellll.....

God I suck.

This sucks.

So Im attempting to reach them so I can haz job please.


btw, phil is amazing and helps me with everything~!



So I went to improv tonight, and pretty much adored it.
Katrina and I want to continue going so bad~!
We has such a blasty blast, and not going to lie, watching this girl throw herself against a wall and bend to the ground with a chair above her head pressing her back and knees to the ground, was astonishing.

but anyway~!

It was surprisingly a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere, and the whole aldo being there made it a lot more comfortable.

hahaha imagine that saying aldo and being comfortable in the same sentence.


Earlier in the day.

I proceeded to hold weekly cosplay club of course, and we progressed....mildly.

Lydia made quite the accomplishment in bringing a poke ball hat for show and tell.

We gave her a gold sticker.

Were hopefully going to be doing some heafty fund raising in the near future, and hopefully making our group more intuitive.


The website will be going up soon, I promise, as soon as we have something to show for our lazy efforts.

Luckily Im going "Lady" shopping tomorrow with katie in attempts to make something for show.



Also known as the Jesters Royale.

I intend to continue attending the workshops and as well as as many performances as I can.

I cant wait to see Aldo perform more, that kid is continuously peeking my interest in an uprise of amazing ways.


Plus katie and I need some lessons on how to be a proper citizen of society, so hopefully this will help us, hahah.

Anyway Im off to Phil's now.


Oh btw, I know you know nothing of boris, but he kicks your ass in your sleep......and or in an interrogation.




Didja know

The byrds wrote and produced what is considered to be the first "psychedelic" song ever.
With using the guitar as to sound like a saxophone.

And didja also know that american pie is one of my favorite songs of all time?


Punky Brewster

While walking out of F.Y.E the other day a man stopped Katrina and I and complimented her outfit.
HE then proceeded to claim that she had a punky brewster style.
Confused Katrina and I looked back at the man puzzled, for we had both heard the term before.
The man walked past a group of older gentlemen and said, "punky brewster you know, its your time."
He looked back at Katrina and asked her age.
She stumbled on her words a moment and replied.
He gave a thumbs up and walked away, as did we still confused to no bitter end.
We made plans to look it up later that day.

Punky Brewster is an American sitcom about a girl named Punky Brewster being raised by her foster parent Henry Warnimont
Punky was abandoned by her mother at a chicago mall and was left to fend for herself.
She was later adopted by a widowed man Henry Warnimont whom also is a photographer. Punky and her best friend Brandon, make new life with Henry and her many new friends.

Now punky herself is not what the man at F.Y.E was referring to.
Punky brewster basically started the ass backward fashion we have now better known as scene.
Although punky brewster was a stretch back in the 80's with her 2 different colored converse a bandanna tied around her knee.

Granted she was abandoned by her mom and perhaps that was the excuse for the fact that she dressed like a colorblind homeless person.


Still I laughed at the fact it was Katrina who was called punky.

Upon further inspection, punkys horrible attire is becoming quite popular nowadays with the young teens and high school kids.
Disturbed we were, but almost flattered.

I sat down to watch a few episodes and It was not at all a bad series.
It was horribly cheesy but still had a sort of spunk in it that kept my interest.

Alas Katrina and her new found nickname.



So Scene?

So I want to point out that this is possibly the most pitiful and retarded thing I have seen all week.


Like being as Scene as possible was not cliche and gay enough.

There has to be a HOW TO .

A step by step way to be fashionably cracked out and the easiest way to the 80's~!


awe I see those poor picked on 80's kids now.
If they were here now.

They would be more popular than that one girl nobody knows from that one band, but shes cool because she has scene hair.


Scary Cosplay Moment

*Found on Cosplay Hell

Ignoring the obvious joke, I'd like to point out they actually screened Batman & Robin on his forehead that night. In fairness to Forehead, that’s still closer to a girl than some of the people laughing at this picture have gotten.

Ice Cream ADD

katie took it.

So today I wake up very melancholy and not really wanting to do much, I text katrina and asked her to hang and she gladly agreed.
She invited me to go to stansbury park with her bro chris.
btw we never made it there.

As we were gunna leave, my daddy invited katrina and I to go to soup or salad.

So we agreed to the free food and followed my faja to the resturant.

We got there and had a long discussion between katie and I about my life.

Lol, that was interesting.

we left and on our driving back to my house we took an adventurous detour through kearns. we drove past little chillenz and they looked like they were doing a drug deal, well katie thought they were, they were just fat so its cool.

We found some neat spots for some photoshoots, and while driving past a church katie pulled in to the parking lot because she saw something shiny, wepulled over and there was broken glass all over, but it was purple!
So katrina and I collected as much of it as we could and decided were going to make a collection of broken glass we find.

We wanna put it into a bottle and put lights behind them and make a collection.

Im excited for it.

Although it must be glass we find.

So after that we stood there dumbfounded in the parking lot for what rang in our ears, thats faint and familiar melody.

Katie and I paused then turned to eachother to shout.


We hurried into her car and began chasing down the ice cream man, wow he moves fast for a family friendly car.

We chased him for about 2 blocks where he eventually stoped and we proceeded to equip ourselves with a chocolate eclair and a jolly rancher snow cone.
as well as a ring pop.

We got in katies car and headed back to my place.

We charged my camera and sat around and conversed a bit, while watching old episodes of punky brewster.

We eventually got off our fat asses to do a spontaneous photoshoot.

We ended up at my old elementary school and did some shots on the play ground.

I was very uninspired at first when katie looked like a hippie.
She then put her hair up in pig tails and the inspiration flowed from my everything.

Psh whatever, you all agree shes hot with pig tails.



The shoot went good, of course save the constant complaining from dear katie in an attempt to make me believe shes the size of a house with a face that belongs behind an iorn mask.

But alas the shots were just as adoring and beautiful as any shot she ends up in.

She then took a few shots of me, we lolled about mexican hip hop, and went home.

A good day it was.



broke my blog

So i broke my blog, im in the process of fixing the way it looks.
Be patient okay?


Day of silence

Yesterday was Day of silence.
I forgot to practice it, ah well.
But here is the sign I was supposed to carry around.
April 17th each year is Day of silence.
Sorry I missed it.

"Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ending the silence in the first step towards fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today."


My Roman Model

I'm so proud of Roman, recently he came to me and asked me to make him a portfolio, So I worked with him on his portfolio and taught him how to model, how to walk how to behave, etc.

He went into the agency today with my photos in hand, and got it.
The agency specifically commented on this shot.

Frail by ~ParenthesisX on deviantART

So proud of him I am.

If you want to see more about him go here.


I designed his blogger <3


So someone I know the other day was drunk.
And I got to thinking about the annoyance level of it.

I came to this conclusion.


Drunks are the kind of people you can love and hate at the same time. They are really fun to be with when just slightly drunk. When they exceed your own induced merriment, then they become drunk. They ought to be deported.


I really needed to share that.

Some say a spare tire where nobody sees it never hurts. And can come in handy when you've got a blowout.



I had a Dream the other night.

I was walking through mist, There was nothing to be seen.
My body felt numb.
Almost lifeless.
The air was thick and I heard a faint sound ahead, as well as a blue tint of a shadow before me.
As I proceeded closer to the sound.
The shadow came clear.
Two huge beautiful blue elephants were standing there facing each other lifting their trunks in unison, as If they could touch the sky, I continued toward them and I began to climb.
Huge black stairs were beneath my feet now as I ventured up them under the elephants trunks and continued until I saw a door a cellar door, I opened it and peeked inside and on the other side was a room.
I pulled myself up from the cellar and into the room I had arrived.
The room was dark with faint glows of blue and small spiraling rainbows and the sound of a heavy base coming from above.
I searched the room for an exit but It was to dark to see anything other then the small glows.
I stood there a moment puzzled as to what my next action would be.
Just as I was about to step forward and proceed the ceiling fell in and a bright light shine down on my face, I attempted to gaze into the light but it was far to bright.
I reached my hand up and another one came down, grasping mine firmly and pulling me up to the light.
When I opened my eyes again I was in the same place as I was before at the beginning of my dream, but the air was much cleaner now and from far away I would clearly see the elephants whom are now turned away from each other looking not quite as majestic as they once were.
I again took a step toward the elephants and I woke up.

I woke up from that dream and felt really....I don't quite know how to explain it.

Almost as if I was alone.

I sat up in my bed and tears flowed from my eyes.
Yet, I couldn't feel them.

I have no Idea what any of that means.

But for some reason my sub conscious found it to be upsetting.


I hate my mind sometimes.
Still..I wish I knew what it meant.


oh my turtle


So Katrina contacts me yesterday and is all "Dana find money and go to see cobra starship with me."

So I'm like okay.
So I didn't have any money and the bit I did have, I lost.
So I call Phil and he was my super hero and got me 25 and I just needed 10 more so Katrina said she would pay the rest <3
So I finally got the money to go and Whitney goes with us all last minute as well.

I go to Phil's and Cory is playing with his daughter.
Jesus I love Cory.
That man amazes me more every time i see him.

So I chill with them for a minute, but I'm already running hella late.
the concert starts at 6 and we ended up making it there at like 7 ish

So we go in there's a shit ton of people.
nobody was dancing people sucked.
So we ended up getting squished by a super lame lesbian and she proceeded to tell us that we had missed cobra starship.
That for some reason they played first.
The look on Katrina's face was so heartbreaking.
I only went so she would be happy, and so she would have someone to share the excitement with, but no, no because of me we were late.
I felt so terrible like the whole time.

SO we went outside and sat and talked and tried to make a quick optimistic recover.
Since we did not really care for fall out boy we were like....well gay!

It was pretty lame, but we got over it and just hung out at the concert and Karina did a Garniei commercial.
It was fabulous.

We walked on the flats and danced around on the grass, I think I saw cancer patient.
I had an over all really good time in spite of the whole we missed the reason for coming.

Oh and Katrina met Gabe from cobra starship that was pretty awesome.
At least she got to do that <3

So I stuck around for the fall out boy portion and they had cool lights and this like firing squad guys on either side of the stage and they spouted a bunch of anti war shit and the government is evil stuff now this all would have been really interesting had it not be stuff I spout out to random people on a daily basis.


The guitarist is such a C**t

I was amazed.

So the 2 other band members go get their bottled water drink behind them sitting on the amps right.

oh no not this asshole.
He fucking snaps his fingers and a black man comes out with a towel on his hand and sparkling water and hands the dude a cup and pours the water in, the man proceeds to take a drink from the glass then drop it on the floor, the black guy got down and cleaned it up and ran off stage.

I was like O______O!!
what a vagina!!!
I laughed so freaking hard.

If that was no for the sake of the intent of the concert then wow that guy really is as big of a cock as everyone says!

That's awesome.

anyway Whitney went out on the flats n listened to thanx for the memories.
when we came back we sat on the grass and a guy very heavily drugged on extasy came over and laid next to me and chilled with us he was smoking a cigarette and kept flinging his arms around, he almost burned Kaitlyn and I lolled, then he almost burned Katrina and I was going to pound his face in.

anyway then the concert was over and went back to Katie's and hung out and had soda and talked.
It turned out to be pretty good.


Hit The Stage

This is a photograph done by one of my best friends.
I am so proud of her for it.
I love how she caught the smoke and just this feel like shes alone in front of millions of adoring fans.
Just a photo I felt I really had to spotlight.
I would do so on my DA but alas, no subscription anymore.

Hit The Stage by ~Panku on deviantART


You ever wake up one morning and just wish everything was different?

Well this is one of those mornings.

Happy Easter, Its time for something old.

I looked in the mirror today and saw myself as a different person.

but there is no way I can change my life right now.
So I'm changing my hair.

I'm dying it Brown today.
With gold highlights.

I'm really scared.

I will have this color until this change phase passes.

Then I will revert to Blue.

Lets see how long I can change shall we..?

May it begin.


So I herd you liek mudkips.


Old Photo Moment

A photo I just came across as I was deleting ones of this series.

I love how she looks almost menacing, yet soft enough to be approachable.


Its an old photo of a girl named Ali.
Not my favorite cookie I met, but I guess that's how things go.

Here are a few more from that series.


Also I finished one of my favorite photographs of whitney


I also cropped it and posted it on my myspace page in a little logo with her eye.

group photo

So I just noticed I dont have a group photo of me and my friends.
How upsetting!

I wanna big group pic of me and all mah buddiezzz.
This needs to be an event damnit!
and so it shall!

I shall begin the planning.



So this is from an infomercial for an appliance company called Appliance Direct for the past three years.

I was reminded of it when a friend of mine changed his mood status to the phrase on myspace.
I lolled for it used to be one of those inside jokes for us.

I figured Id let you know just what this is.

Sam Pak is the adorable asian man you see above.

His voice makes all the difference I promise.

So he brought about the new phrase in these commercials that can be used when things just don’t make any sense.

now, since the original video will bore you if your one of my friends.

here's a really gay remix with all the info you still need


SO this is amazingly cheesy but I adore it. Its called GReeeeN
It’s one of those music videos that actually tells a story, and in this case, it takes on a tokusatsu/sentai flair with the redemption of a washed-up hero. It’s cheesy, but that’s what’s so fun about it, and I enjoyed it enough that I thought it was worth sharing, so here it is.

Oh my traffic lady!

SO I was driving to Rebbecca's the other day and I was speeding in a school zone.

well, I mean I am usually going about 10 over at like all times, but yeah so the lights were flashing and everything.

and I'm just moseying down the road singing.

"I'm so happy cuz I'm a gummy bear, gummy bear!"

and this woman the crossing walk lady she had her ghetto orange vest on and stop sign in hand with pure white hair, this woman had to be like 80.

I'm speeding by and she looks at me and points.

now this is not just any point.

This is like "burn the witch!" kind of point.

She scowls at me as well, the worst face I have ever seen, I swear this lady was fuckin cursing me.

She pointed right at me as I drove by.

Now, in a moments notice I responded as any upright citizen would.

"Position A!"

for those who don't know what that means.

Its a thumbs up with the most excited face you can possibly pull.

We had a moment there.

That angry cross walk woman and I.

and it was beautiful.

Then after that breif moment had passed, I laughed my ass off all the way to beca's.


FUCK SALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol So I hung with Katie the other day, and on our way home from errands we were SO hungry, and my mom is all bla bla bla this amazing Italian food I had.

and im all "mom I want you to take into consideration the two starving people in the car right now."


So she continued her story.


Then I started talking about scone cutter.

So I'm driving down the freeway and im all"mom you need to help me with that one thing."

and she responds. "you ate all my chocolate."

me and Katie are like what?

What does that have to do with anything?


and then an awkward silence happened in the car and my mom was all.

"I don't want baggy eyelids."

We laughed big, cuz it was just so random.

She saw a billboard I take it but still.


So we get home and race to the kitchen, Katie makes lasagna, and she made cereal as well.

I sat on the floor in front of my open fridge and attempted to make a salad, as I sat there pouring Catalina dressing on to raw mushrooms.


Yay desperation.

SO then I made soup, and that tasted really bland, so im all "I think salt would help this."

and Katie happily agrees.

SO I get5 the salt, and pour half the thing into it.

"mm, its better."

She took individual noodles and put salt on them.


and Katie all, sodium chloride.

That sounds so much not as appealing as salt.

IM all I wanna say that to someone randomly, or like someone who does not know what the tech word for it is and be all. "you want my sodium chloride."

I picture me giving a bowl or spaghetti to bishop (our large not the brightest black friend.)

and be all like taste it.

So he does and he says whats in it.

I'm like oh noodles red sauce meat things, sodium chloride, and he throws a bitch fit about how I'm trying to poison him.

It could happen.

So Katie withdraws her lasagna from the microwave and I hear her say " this looks like somethings going to jump out of it."

and I look at it and go wow yeah!
the side had this crusty part and she peeled it all off and we called it a dragon.

Well pretty much the lasagna tasted like ass, it was hard as a rock.

I don't understand how Katie can mess up a TV dinner lasagna lol.

its okay.
we put salt on it.

It got better.


Monday Night F.E.A.R

So each monday me and a shit ton of my buddies go to play fear at gamestar, and Its so freaking fun!
I love it!

Squiggles got hella good over night, and Cyberus magically pulled epic win out of his ass as well.

Lol THE LESBIAN whom is my favorite to play aginst.
Well, lets just say we played a 300 point game and it ended with her having 19 pts.

I lulled!

Its okay.

*says in a Monty Python voice.*

She got better.


Tom is my hero, well we randomly decided that, since he gives us more slim jims that we know what to do with.


Slim jims and mtn dew, the food of gamerzzzz!!!


Persona 4

So I stayed up all night with chris last night and he purchased persona 4 that day, along with persona 3 fes.

We were both curious about persona 4 so we tried it out.

ITs absolutely fabulous and Teddie said "fo' Sho"

We played sooooooooo much.

I myself and my whole Cosplay group are bat shit addicted to that game right now.

We love it, well, not persona 4, but persona 3.

But anyway!

I ADORE Persona 4, and am hoping to purchase it today, I wont have enough money most likely.

But whatever.


I cant wait for chris to cosplay Teddie and I as Chie Satonaka

well, and Ill do margret but shes not actually as cool as we make her out to be, me and chris just adore her outfit and well....shes damn hot.


Just like elizibeth only like older, and well I dont know its epic though.

Oh my jesus though.

The characters Chie and Yukiko Amagi are freaking EXACTLY like me and Katrina.
Its totally awesome.~

Lol Yukiko is all like "ew i never had a bf why would I do that?"
and every guy is like oh em gee your hawt lets date, and shes like....ew why.
as well as shes tall and hella pretty.
And thinks theres nothing in life for her at al after high school, its just, a lot of stuff.

and Chie is all "Omg Im awesome and secretly a total bitch." lol j.k
but shes totally like me.

I lulled



Im proud of you, your traveling and shit

So I went to sleep today at 8am.
and was rudely awoken by my grandma coming in holding the phone out to me, saying
"Some friend is on the phone."

I pry my sleepy eyes open.
oh, alright.

I put the phone to my ear, "hello?"

"Hey baby girl, blablablablablabalbalablabalabala Its your momma."





So I sit there mildly confused, and my grandma looks at me.
Its okay you can go back to bed its just Angie.
My grandma looks at me a bit confused/worried and exits the room.
I go back to paying attention to the high pitched and horribly redneck voice, going a speed not recorded by man.

Angie: "blablablablablabla I miss you so much baby girl oh my god, oh , hehehehehee I am so excited to hear your voice what you doing baby girl how are you whats up girl how are you did I wake you up baby girl?"

Me: "......what?"

Angie: "Did I wake you up."

Me: "Yes."

Now picture anything I say horribly monotone, since I always close up and get monotone around her.

And this woman, this woman being SO excited!
So ungodly excited for my existence, I could be simply breathing and she is in awe for years to come.

Angie: "So sorry I had to lie to your grandma blablablabla bad me, bla bla hehe I told her blablablabla okay baby girl?"

Me: "Sure."

Angie: "oh god I miss you so much, I love you I love you, your so great, the last time I called you were in boise and I am so proud of you, your traveling and shit."

Me: "yeah....traveling and shit."

Angie: "So when are you going to come to spokane?"

Me: "Not soon."

Angie: " awe blablablablablablabalba."

So the conversation continued with as minimal worded answers from my end as possible.
She covered subjects, I dont think I even cared to know.
She mentioned my real dad and how he misses me bla bla, how she thinks my grandparents are kaniving horible people who should burn at the stake.
She mentioned how shes high on blow. (not really but might as well.)

And how she wants to randomly show up at my door step.

Angie: "and If I just randomly showed up what would you do?"

Me: "uh.....Why the hell wouldyou do that??"

Me in real life: "Id shit bricks. Id kill a baby. Id get a concealed weapons permit.

She laughed HELLA creepy and replied.

"whats your adress baby girl?"

I responded with the wonderful line of.
"I forgot."

She pressed forth in attempt to obtain those numbers that would lead her to her..."baby girl".

Yeah, I was not voting for that.

She asked me what I was thinking , I replied.
"My ear itches, I think I woke up my friend, and my foot is asleep."

Angie: "Awwwwww your so awesome baby girl I love you I love you."

She puts my existence to shame, you have no idea.

So I get off the phone with her, have a 30 minute conversation with my grandma about her.

And learned two new facts about this woman, giving me one more reason to dislike her existence.

1. She breast fed me while on marijuana, cuz she refused to take asprin.

What a vagina.

2. She was assulted by 4 of my grandparents friends who were cops at the time, when she visciously tore appart an appartment complex from the inside out, during a mental breakdown.

lol, psh Id beat her down to.

Well, anyway Im hella awake now.

Guess I'll go join chris brian and katrina in the front room to play brawl and Persona 3


How Gay Is That?

So I got deleted off model mayhem... For stupid shit.
On Katrina's profile It said I was her un official manager.
and apparently that's not allowed.
So I totally got deleted off of it.
I was like.......O____O
whats hella gay.
So whatever.

Apparently I wont be using that site.
Oh well.
Its just piss full of scams anyway.

But still.
That's so ghetto retarded.

Anyway, today I am gonna go work out and go to play DnD.
