I woke up today at phils and cory invited me to have breakfast, and it was pancakes~!

Oh also, I cut phils hair, because I can and he looks heeelllaaa goood~!

and I had an epic battle with a spider, I won btw.
Then we played guitar hero and I sang a piss ton of songs, was also exciting, cory went for a smoke break and I noticed the time and saw that I was late for katies anime club and was like shit shit must go now kay bai~!
So I called katie while driving down baccus and shes like I gotta take james home k bai.
So I waited for her at her house and eventually she got there and we went to the DI, to look for cosplay crap, that didint happen but I got a shower curtain!
I wanna hang it in my room~!
You have no idea its so freaking cool~!
We also looked through a metric ton of patterns and found some that resembel a few of our costumes, and a few that just looked exciting and purchased them.
We then got hungry and went to subway~!
We took our subway to a park and hung out at the magical park of woo and junk, and saw a girl who HELLA dressed like a colorblind homeless person.
I did not even understand her outfit, at all.
orange hoodie, pink top, green pants, blue sox.
It was horrible.
The subway was goooood.
Then we went and hung out at my magical chill spot that I love.
Katie and me, well we had a great day of lawl and what.
Heres some photos~!
All curteosy of my cellular.

