
Eat at Dees!

...Or you can choose not to go to Dees , get burger king and get chased by 9 aggressive hoodlums!

So, katrina wanted to know my life story tonight because a long chain of conversation about Lydia led to it.
Eventualy we got so loud that we had to leave the house because my parents were very upset about our volume level.
So we were like okay lets go to dees get coffee and finish this.
So we head out, to burger king because that sounded a bit more in our budget at the time, we made a hefty order of basically the entire menue and head off to a nice spot to relax in my car eat and speak of my "tragic" life. Or whatev.

Anyway, were sitting there in the car, we already ate and I have this thing, where at night I must point out all human like movement or shadows that move just....cuz I do.

Were sitting behind sears, watching the back side of wal mart and we see 5 teens skipping and making merry across the parking lot to the back of wal mart, they dissapera and I continue with my story, untill about 6 minutes later we see all of them running like a bat out of hell in a stampede our way, were like shit shit oh shit.
So I turn on my car and drive around them and off, then circling around proceeding to ..."stalk" them.

I pull quite a distance away and turn off my headlights and wait, a few moments go by and they dissapear from sight, we drive over to where they went and magically there were 9, all standing around, talking and looking really nervous, we stay where we are and 4 break off from the other 5 and we dont even know what happened to 2 of them, then another 2 run down the back of sears and we see a car drive over there and they dissapear as well.

Shit these kids were ninja.


I drive around the complex to the other side to a dairy queen where we saw the other 4 standing on the corner.

I stalk a little more and drive around the building all slow once again.
Each time we drive by we get slower and they get more confused.

They walked off, we lost them till they were in front of burger king and we drove by them again, they then walked in a group toward our car all "bad ass" I guess you could say.
We just drove around them in a circle and parked, they walked to the light, and again we stalked.
Waited ofr them to cross, they ended up at mc dees.

anyway alot of stalking later and we were at checker auto just sitting and staring them down, we watched them for about 15 minutes and finally they made a move, oh and btw now they were all somehow all together again and so there was 9.

and they ALL have hoodies, and all their hoods were up..
we started to look for a CD we could blair atthem and and as I was looking for a CD they started to walk towards us again as a group, and then started to charge, I acted fast and haulled ass right out of there, they chased us around hella bad, I drove out of mc donalds and they chased us into the street, and I was going 40 and this kid kept up with me for a bit.
IT was scary as fuck.

And the other kid ran right in front of my car, I had to swerve hella bad to avoid him.
These kids got desperate.

It was amazing, we drove down the street a bit and then proceeded to drive back with blairing music to antagonize them, once again we were chased, even in the street.

We did so one more time listening to shakira, they threw snow balls.

The last time listening to handlebars by the flow bots we saw them jumping on an SUV in the parking lot and a boy standing in the street waiting for us. I speed up asthey chased us quite a while down 35th, the suv peeled out and attempted to catch up.
I lost them hella fast.

And now were here and im typing and katie is drawing a very accurate representation of our situation.



No time for depression


I wake up from James's house and drive home hella fast cuz im all oh shit Imma miss work.
While driving home I was passing out at the wheel left and right.
I got so sick from last night.
So when I got home I was getting ready for work and i passed out in the tub, like I often do, but today when I woke back up the water was freezing and it was 1:00.
So Im like oh shits, I call in to work like omfg so sorry k thanx yes?
and nikki is all its cool if your sick stay there its fine.
So then I had to go to an interview @ 1:30, ha. ha ....eh aha.. oooh....
yeeeaaahhh, bout that, my dad comes in and yells at me all like damnit dana your gunna miss that interview.
which I did.
of course.
I called THERE and rescheduled.
So now I have to go in February 18th *sigh*
Oh well.
So basically I slept around the house in different places all day long, till I woke up and watched about 30 minutes of attack of the show.
and then voted for the whole pie week driven by Olivia Munn.
Whom I luv to death <3
Good stuff.

I mosy around the house for about 20 minutes and then get a random set of depression.
About what?
eh, nothing really.
Just felt depressed.
So im sitting there like hmm, who should I call who would make me not depressed.
So I call her and im all sup hoe where you at?


Yeah. Yeah stupid bitch is half way across town.


So my nice ass drives out there, finds her and leads her directionally challenged ass back home.

SO we get to her house and Im like well lets go for a ride.

We go drive around downtown magna while we talk about a plethora of things.
Im like well I WAS going to be depressed, but your sorry self botched that up now I dont even have time to be depressed cuz I have to go find you.

stoopid katie.


Thats okay she has horrible luck.

So we drive around and find a bunch of totally random ass stuff just sitting in the road and we stop and take photos for a moment and I walk over to this little vacant house and katie is standing there by this little, okay well not VERY not little hella retro radio and old mixer thing just sitting out there broken and she notices some footprints and shes all oh its cool their probably dana's, then she notices their facing the wrong way and there were two and then it looks like the other one got dragged away and were like oh shits!
(inside joke with katie)


But yeah so we bolt it out of there cuz we freaked ourselves out lol.
we do that often.
and drive around more to a park and an old part of town, then off to see if anything cool is happening on main street, and we see a light on in the water cup <3
yay water cup.
lol I love that place.
It makes my heart smile.
So we go in and it was the pot luck me and chris were going to originally go to that day, but I never woke up for it, and apparently it was still going so we went in and spoke with Mathew, his wife, and Lawrence.
whom is an incredible business professor at SLCC.
WE chill there for a bit have some nice homemade soup and then eventually leave and go driving around magna some more.
I found a great house I would like to look into renting.
Along with seeing katies grandparents house.
kool beans.
This kool


WE also stop at a park, and all the stuff that happend there is in this video really


So I drive to katies to take her home and she pulls out Geraldo.(her giraffe..purse?)
and she sees that there are more keys than that are hers.
Well it turns out that she accidentally grabbed two different peoples sets of kets while at the water cup.


So we drive back there.
and there's an apt complex above the water cup so we go upstairs and it smells SO bad!
and we try to find someone in there who might be missing keys and we see this door that looks hella crazy scary and were like O_____O
cuz it slams shut when we get close and we again scare ourselves and run outta there, like were on fire.

It was amazing.
Went back to Katrinas house and looked up a couple things on the net and god lol, she felt SO bad about the keys.
I'm like...well there's nothing we can do about it now.
Guess well just have to go back there next time they do something there and hopefully we can return them.


Mc Rib


Last night I get home all bored and junk.
Doing nothing.
James called ^^
Hes all hey come over and play and stuff.
So I go over there and we chill in his very empty basement which is so because he is moving out like today.
I luled.
We talked of our friends hes all wow dude you know chantelle?
Im like yup.
We conversed, I giggled.
I told him I thought she was epic shit and hes like oookay.
moving on to next gossip.

So this chick Britney.
Whom I highly dislike, right?

So she gets high in whitneys apt every night and is this big fat nasty cow.
and she is a total alcoholic and is in a constant state of wishing she could beat me up, thats is if she could hold balance on her kankles.

not likely.

So james is all, yeah I hung out with her once, her vag smelled so bad I lost my hard on so fast.
Im like
Good times.

So we talk about all this medical crap and politics, while throwing a bean bag back and forth acros the room for like an hour then we decide that james is hungry and he wants a mc rib.


we go gas up my car and get a mc rib then I decide i didint wanna go straight home so we drove up into the avenues and stuff and foudn this cool spot to park, so we did and chilled in my car.


Then we went back to his house and watched the persuit of happiness.
I love that movie.

This kitty watched as well.

Oh and James had cereal.

and this kitty is the best kitty evurr..
Its so sad its Deaf. :(


Then we passed out.

I woke up and went home and here I am now.
Sick as a dog, from all the cold.
Damn I even missed work today.


Fucking expedia!

Okay so I'm flying GRAZ out here for the party thing right and i had a great price like 4 days ago on Expedia for 140. so i held the page open n shit and i go back today cuz my comp got re booted.


Its up to 260$

now I don't know if it just fluctuates or the closer to the time it gets a higher price.
I'm totally stressing over this price rising to bullshit.

This upsets my everything.



So the other day, I had an apt with Devan to go speak to him about him playing music at my party, but that fell through and I was like okay happens.


OH my god there was so much fog the other day!
I couldint even believe it.
You can know a town and live in it your whole life.
But with the fog its a completely different place.
so pretty much the second the fog set in I freaked out and called katrina and we just MUST do a photoshoot.
So, while driving back to my house to get my camera I spoted some awesome spots for photoshoots.

I was all sorts of excited, we went to this spot near my house with just the most beautiful landscaping, and i had to do a shoot.
I had katrina stand like the girl in hard candy <3

I just love how all the lines in the photo just flow in the direction shes looking.
How the trees curl around the pathway, giving it such a eerie feeling.

It was pretty awesome.

Then we played in the street for a while.
Chris doped my secondary lens in the mud and its all sorts of mesed up now and I was very upset.
heres a pretty accurate representation of my face when it happened.

We went to another location on our way back to Katrina's because she had to go back there to pick up Lydia who was at her house waiting for her for...some reason I don't even know.

on our way we stopped at this place i went to while at work once and i loved it, its pretty much a back place with a bunch of auto wreckage places, and so there's a shit load of broken cars.
Its amazing.

So we went there and parked and trespassed, and it was foggy so we couldint see, and they couldint see us.
So oh shit while we were there these huge dogs ended up chasing us, and an alarm went off just all this freaky shit happened, it was so messed up.
I loved it.
Then we ran like hell back to the car and on to out next location.

kind of like this
Then we went got lydia whatev.

Than wen to downtown magna.
To do some in the street.
Those came out all sorts of amazing.

So while we were there these guys come up and give us a flyer to a free concert, and were all like oh awesome, its just up the street @ 7, and were like okay cool so we kindly oblige and all go there to see whats up.


We get there the music was cool, none of us were paying attention to the lyrics but whatever.
It sounded good.
we spoke with Mathew and then Katrina had to sit down cuz she gets dizzy when she stands for to long.
We sit. we watch the guy sing.
and then mathew gets up to speak.
and were all yay mathew.

So he was all.

"Bla bla bla bla and then I smoked so much weed and was always messed up and got lost and then i found LSD and then got as much as i could and it was great, bla bla bla bla and then I found jesus."

Right then me and katie look at eachother

big red flag goes up.

We look at the sign on the door and the place was called the water cup.
Also known as the door church.

"So jesus found me and I found him and I was saved, saved from all my evil ways. Cleansed I was."

I look at chris, lol

"LSD to LDS"

Katrina leans over to me and whispers "We were brought here to be saved."

Oh shit I replied. " Good thing we didint do the prostitute photo we were gunna do."

It gets all uncomfortable with us and I go outside to "take a phone call"
as in I fake it leave and am like oh damn.

So I walk outside and I see a young boy crying and I walk to the edge of the street and see a pizza man hit a pit bull and drive off, there were 3 dogs and they all scattered along with the one that just got nailed in the side of the torso.

This boy is screaming and crying and his mother runs out of this building and his father run and recover one of the dogs and their all freaking out trying to find the other two and im just like.

That animal was hella dead.
Or went off to crawl under something to die.
It was actually pretty intense.
And good lick trying to find anything in that fog, it was so thick.

I'm just standing there with my camera in hand and look across the street and see a group of people standing on a corner smoking and talking and I lift my camera and zoom to see through the fog and I see possibly the best sight ever.

All these people standing around drinking and smoking, standing next to a sign that says AA and pointing to the stairwell.


It was the greatest photo I ever took.
I loved it.

Chris n katie n lydia come out I tell them what happened and we all go home.
Took katie and lydia back to her house.
Chris and I were stupid hungry so we went to my house to file dump then off to another place.
So we went to golden coral and had steak and it was great.
the lady had the worst time trying to slide my card and then it finally went though lol last night with phil i went to the atm and the transaction didint ring through I loled and totally got that meal free.

lol not the point.

So me n chris wen there.
It was nasty.
Got sick.

on our way home saw a super crash and i took photos.

Went home to find over HALF the files I had taken.

So that awesome AA meeting photo.
many taken at the cool little red riding hood place.
The ones I took at the water cup.
That super crash photos.

Fucking gone.


Just my luck.


Stupid car stupid work stupid stuff Yay obama!

Oh my geeze. So I work at this tax place doing random ass odd jobs for them for 8$ an hour.
And i work pretty much every day.
So today I worked doing marketing, because I have been promoted to marketing director, so I pretty much do all the advertising for this place.
So I now work with this lady named Verda.
Shes an older lady has like 3 kids, and is hella funny.
So her and I have to go around and take this stupid candy cup to the businesses around the area and do 21 and somehow make it last for
5 hours.
It literally takes us 20 minutes to get all the way done. So its my job where I get paid to go do, well whatever.
so we went back to my place to watch the inauguration I was
GAY EXCITED about Obama being all presidential and stuff.

aww look at his black ass up there.
So after
"work" I left and went to play with my best-est lesbian friend

And her Girlfriend who came down here from cali to visit us

Shes the best thing since a black president.
So, we went to the myan, which is really just a fancy resturant with shit food that overcharge you simply so you can see awesome cliff divers jump off a really tall cliff inside a really tall place. ^^
Yuh....purdy ghey.
but I love it either way, so we went and sat in front of this place for 2 fucking hours waiting for a table to open up.
jahosa whata.
i dont even know!
but god it took so long for them to open a damn table for 3.
I mean the place is big enough.
anyway we get in and basically this guys stands atop the cliff and screams about god knows what and tell people to basically jump off this cliff and fall to their death. and instead this hot chick and some mexican jump all graceful with music and shit all amazing.
we all shout wow.
they leave.
the end.
of course untill about 15 minutes later they all dry off and do it all over again.
so i hit on this waitress, and the screaming headress guy, and the bus boy, and the one chick diving, lol pretty much i felt the need to make an ass of myself in this already not to great situation, they got a lawl and i thought to myself lawl you wish. ^^
well my server eventually gave me her # lol hence the recipt below.
It was a basic giggle-snort thing.
ya know?

She was cute.

OH and the guy who screams and wears a headress and with a painted chest.
He came over and chilled with us at our table and talked with us for a bit.
It made my life.
I'm all " You know I've always had a thing for guys and body paint." (sarcastic)
It was great stuff.

So we drive back to whitneys apt all fat and happy.



I shat bricks, unbelievably large and uncomfortable bricks.

So we call 911, and they look up my plates and holy fucking shit fuck.
It got towed.

mother fucking mother fucker who the fuck im gunna kill a bitch omfgrawrrawr!!1!!1!!stupifbastardshovea nasty boot up his vag!!!!

So apparently these assholes above whitney in the complex, whom have a royal stick up they anus.
Towed my car because I parked in their spot.

Okay now I understand this when its like a repetitive thing.
you knwo most people just left a note.
like plz dotn do it agn k thnx bai.

not these asshole.
not these pricks.

It cost roughly 200$
to get my car back.

!!!( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)( ゚Д゚)!!!

Oh for the love of -

So I call phil,my dad,mom,brian,911,my dog.
Everyone I knew.

all like

Eventully phil pulled some strings and got the money for me to get my car back, but we had to wait till the next day to get it.


That day was f***ing eventful.

( ̄へ ̄) hate my life.


Obama is a wonderful man.
Im watching the innaguration.

I have hope.

God help us all.


February 20th I am throwing a party for all!
At Murray Theater

@ 7 pm

Find a mask and get ready

Musical excellence and Epic special guest.



He will be playing his first show here in utah.

Its 10$ @ the door
bring extra for sushi bar.

Unless your on the guest list ;)
Contact me asap to be added.

Don't miss this!



much to do

so my birthday is comming up and jezus it needs to be huge. im planning on a venue and graz playing. but alas its quite a bit more money than whats in my immediate budget. :(

Venue = 500
Graz = 212
+ Estimated Foods = 250
Total = 962

unfortunately more than i have

So im trying to make some deals with people and use some connections for this.
I want to have a masqurave.
As in a rave with graz as my dj and a masquerade at the same time for my party. ^.^
At this venue i found.
It seems to be a bit more difficult than originally expected.


The other day Katie and I were bored watching the boob tube, and found porn to be just a little too short off our reach. So we turned on noggin and were delighted to see an old friend.
Lawl YEY!
Excited Katie and I leapt out of our seats and jumped for joy.
Katrina deemed herself the salt and I the pepper.
Since we could not BOTH be paprika.
lawl uni brow.
Here's a video.

Getting Katie

This happened.

Afterward we went off and did unimaginable things of epic and wonders.
Katie = Always a good time.